Internal cable lengths of 22 in (56 cm) for Drive 0 and Robot and 15 in (38 cm) for
Drive 1
Cables of different impedances should not be used together
Additional specifications to assure the highest SCSI performance can be found in the current
version of ANSI X3.131.
This equipment has been tested for electromagnetic emissions and immunity using good quality
shielded cables. If you use unshielded or poor quality cables, or otherwise vary from good practice, you
might not comply with national and international rules.
Cabling the PTM and Multi-Unit Library System
Cabling the PTM and multi-unit Library system includes attaching cables to the following
interface connectors:
PTM motor housing assembly
Library unit
Connecting to the PTM Motor Housing Assembly
Make sure the power is off to the unit that you plug the motor connector into.
Connect one end of the control cable to the connector in the PTM motor housing assembly
(see Figure C-32).
Connect the other end of the control cable to the connector on the master unit (see Figure