Example 15
Shell> ioconfig
Deconfigure or reconfigure IO components or settings
IOCONFIG [fast_init | wol [on | off]]
fast_init Specifies device connection policy setting
mps_optimie Specifies PCIe optimization setting
wol Specifies System Wake-On-LAN setting
on | off Specifies to configure or deconfigure a feature or component
1. If fast_init is enabled, firmware will connect only the minimum set of
devices during boot. This feature might cause boot failure; disable this
feature if failure occurs.
2. A reboot is required for PCIe MPS sptimiation changes to take effect
3. Any pending Wake-On-LAN request will not be cleared until reboot if
the setting is changed to disabled.
System will clear pending Wake-On-LAN requests each time the system
reboots if the setting is disabled.
* To display the current settings
fs0:\> ioconfig
Fast initialization: Enabled
MPS optimization: Disabled
System Wake-On-LAN: Disabled
* To display the current device connection policy setting
fs0:\> ioconfig fast_init
Fast initialization: Enabled
* To disable fast initialization
fs0:\> ioconfig fast_init off
Fast initialization: Disabled
* To enable the System Wake-On-LAN setting
fs0:\> ioconfig wol on
System Wake-On-LAN: Enabled
Enables you to restore non-volatile memory (NVM) to default values and clear NVM storage values.
default [efi | sal]
default clear [bmc | efi | sal]
clear clears NVM storage values
Sets NVM and stable store values to predefined default values. Normally only a subset of values
are available for default. To reset the system, execute the
default clear
Displays the contents of processor internal memory logged on the first machine check abort (MCA)
for all processors present in the system.
errdump [mca | cpe | cmc | init | la | clear]
320 Utilities