Performing Common Administrative
This chapter explains the following Integrated Administrator management functionalities:
Managing blade PC bays
Opening a remote console session to a blade PC
Accessing ROM-Based Setup Utility for a blade PC
Reviewing the activity for a blade PC
Powering off the blade PC
Without the blade PC health driver, the Integrated Administrator cannot
gracefully shutdown a blade PC.
Identifying a blade PC using the Unit Identification LED
Managing the enclosure
Reviewing the activity for the enclosure
Identifying the enclosure using the Unit Identification LED
Generating an enclosure summary
Identifying problem components
Managing users
Modifying a user’s rights to blade PC bays
Disabling and deleting user accounts
Managing Blade PC Bays
Opening a Remote Console Session to a Blade PC
:Enclosure administrators and group administrators with access to the bay can click the
Remote Console button to open a remote text-based console to the blade PC in the bay.
Chapter 7 Performing Common Administrative Tasks