The organization of this section reflects this process:
Requirements for local client devices
Default values for the Integrated Administrator
Determining the IP address using the local console
Requirements for Local Client Devices
You can access the Integrated Administrator locally using the serial connector on the rear panel of the
enclosure using a local client device, such as a laptop computer. The local client device must run a
terminal emulator, such as HyperTerminal for Windows systems or Kermit for Linux systems.
The terminal emulator must operate at the following settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
Emulation: VT100
Backspace key sends Ctrl-H
Default Values for the Integrated Administrator
The Integrated Administrator is configured with a default user name, password, and DNS name. A
settings tag with the preconfigured values is attached to the interconnect tray containing the Integrated
Administrator module.
For security reasons, HP recommends changing the Administrator password when accessing
Integrated Administrator for the first time.
Determining the IP Address using the Local Console
To determine the Integrated Administrator IP address using the local console perform the following
Access the Integrated Administrator console:
Connect a local client device (such as a laptop computer) with VT100 terminal emulation
software to the Integrated Administrator (serial) console connector using a null modem serial
Open a terminal emulation session with the following settings: 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity,
and 1 stop bit.
Log into the Integrated Administrator using the password on the settings tag attached to the
interconnect tray.
Establish the Integrated Administrator IP address.
Determining the Integrated Administrator’s Initial IP Address