Administration Tab
For an explanation of user rights associated with the Integrated Administrator, see
Enabling Remote
Console Sessions to Blade PCs on page 79
Under the Administration tab, you can access the following screens:
User List
Group List
Add User
Add Group
View/Modify User
View/Modify Group
User List
The User List screen (shown below) enables an appropriate group administrator or enclosure
administrator to observe and update user access to groups and blade PC bays.
The following table lists the permissions related to the action buttons of the User List screen.
Table 4-16
User List Action Buttons and Permissions
View/Modify User
Opens the View/Modify User screen.
Enclosure administrators can access
and modify the information for any user.
Users can access and modify the
information for own account.
Remove User
Removes the selected user (unless the
account is your own).
Only enclosure administrators can
execute this command.
The following table describes the information presented in the User List screen.
Table 4-17
User List Field Descriptions
Chapter 4 Web Browser Interface