Holden Trailblazer Owner Manual (GMSA-Localizing-Australia - 10460368) -
2017 - crc - 6/29/16
Vehicle Care
No load applied to a rear towing
eye is to exceed 1,375 kg (static
or dynamic).
Vehicle Recovery
The vehicle may be recovered using
the front or rear towing eyes.
Attach a tow rope or other suitably
rated system to the towing eyes.
Ensure all equipment is in good
condition and is being used
The front towing eyes are rated to
1,500 kg each and the rear
towing eye to 1,375 kg. Any load
(static or dynamic) applied to
these locations must not exceed
the rated capacity of each point.
Care should be taken not to
damage the bumper fascia or
other vehicle components with the
tow rope or recovery system,
during recovery.