HCA Series Installation Manual
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1) Continuous
– The output will be on continuously.
2) Gentex Sync
– Select this option if using Gentex appliances and you want the strobes in sync.
3) March Code
– This option will produce a pattern of 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off
4) Temporal Code
– This option will produce the ANSI 3.41 temporal coded pattern of 0.5 seconds
on, 0.5 seconds off, 0.5 seconds on, 0.5 seconds off, 0.5 seconds on, 1.5 seconds off, repeat. Zone and Output Definitions for Agent Release 1
When you configure the HCA panel for the
Agent Release 1
option, the zones and notification appliance
circuits (NACs) are configured as follows:
Zone 1 is configured as an abort zone. The abort function is non-latching. It must remain active
as long as it is desired to abort the releasing function. If the abort switch is deactivated before the
panel is reset, the remaining pre-discharge delay time will continue to count down to zero at which
time releasing will occur.
Zones 2 and 3 are configured for cross zone releasing. Zones 2 and 3 are intended to be populated
with automatic initiating devices such as smoke detectors. When the first zone of zones 2 and 3
becomes active, NAC 4 will activate indicating general alarm. When both zones 2 and 3 become
active, a pre-discharge delay period (default 30 seconds) occurs where zone 1 can abort the
releasing function. NAC 2 will activate at the beginning of the pre-discharge delay period to alert
personnel of the pending agent release. If abort zone 1 is not activated by onsite personnel within
the pre-discharge period, NAC 1 will activate and discharge for either the programmed shutdown
time or until system reset depending on the programming configuration. NAC 3 activates when
releasing occurs and it remains active until system reset indicating that the discharge has occurred.
The cross zoning of zones 2 and 3 requires that at least one detector from each zone must be in
alarm in order to activate the agent releasing circuit (NAC 1) and the releasing indicator (NAC 3).
Zone 4 is a manual release zone. Manual releasing switches must be wired to zone 4 so that when
one or more release switches are activated, agent releasing occurs immediately. As soon as zone
4 activates, NAC 4 activates indicating general alarm. There is no pre-discharge delay period for
manual release, so NAC 2 activates immediately along with NACs 1 and 3 which will release the
agent and indicate that a release has occurred. An active manual release will override any pre-
discharge delay that might be occurring with the cross alarms and activate the agent release
Zone 5 of the HCA-8 is automatically configured as a normally-closed supervisory zone. This zone
is used with the releasing circuit disconnect switch. When the switch is activated it does two things;
it physically disconnects the releasing circuit, and it creates a supervisory condition on zone 5. See
section 5.4.4 of this manual for additional information and wiring instructions.
Zones 6 through 8 on the HCA-8 behave as non-releasing fire, alarm verification or supervisory
zones based on the programming options for these zones.
NAC 1 is dedicated for the agent release function. It will activate (discharge) after the pre-discharge
delay has expired for cross zones 2 and 3, or immediately after the manual release zone 4 is
activated. To prevent the pre-discharge period from expiring and releasing the extinguishing agent,
the abort zone 1 must become active within the pre-discharge delay period. NAC 1 will
automatically shut down once activated after the auto shutdown timer has expired or it will remain
active until system reset depending on the panel programming.
NAC 2 activates during the pre-discharge period to indicate the pending release. It remains active
after the agent releasing circuit 1 activates and until the panel is reset.
NAC 3 activates at the same time as the agent release circuit NAC 1 to indicate a release has
occurred. It remains active until the panel is reset.
NAC 4 activates when at least one of zone 2, 3 or 4 activate to indicate general alarm. NAC 4 may
also operate in response to zones 6
– 8 of the HCA-8, depending on their programming.