HCA Series Installation Manual
Page 49 of 58
5.5 Remote Annunciator
The programming option to indicate the presence of a remote annunciator is located in option 5 of the
programming menu. The HCA panel supports up to 1 remote annunciator.
5-RemoteDis, Nxt
Pressing 5 will select the remote annunciator menu. Pressing the Next key
will display the next programming menu option.
The screen below displays after selecting option 5.
Annunciator En 1
Select Yes if you are going to use the remote annunciator or select no if no
remote annunciator will be used.
5.6 DACT Setup
Models HCA-2D, HCA-4D and HCA-8D have a built in Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT)
for reporting events via telephone lines to a compatible remote central station receiver. Select Option 6
from the programming menu to edit the DACT programming options.
6-Edit DACT, Nxt
Pressing 6 will select the DACT programming options. Pressing the Next
key will display the next programming menu option.
5.6.1 Enable/Disable the DACT
There is a master enable flag for the DACT which allows the installer to enable or disable the DACT easily
without changing any other DACT programming options. Note that the panel will not be in trouble if you
turn off the DACT using this master enable flag. It is an acceptable programming configuration to use one
of the HCA panels that include the DACT hardware, but not actually enable the DACT. The default setting
for this enable flag is No. You will need to enable the DACT and properly program account numbers and
phone numbers before it will be able to report events. Models without the DACT hardware will not display
the enable/disable DACT option.
Enable DACT
(Y/N): N
Press Y and Enter to enable the DACT. Press N and Enter to turn off the
5.6.2 Auto Test Time of Day
The auto test is a daily test (every 6 or 24 hours) that will report a test code to the remote central station
receiver to indicate that the panel is capable of remote communications. The auto test will alternate the
phone line used to ensure that each phone line is in good working order.
The first DACT programming screen is the hour of the day the auto test will occur.
Auto Test Time
Enter the hour when the auto test will occur followed by Enter. Default time
is 2:00AM.