Additional Setup Information
Servo Arm Length: The lengths of the three head servos should be identical. The
effective lenght of the inner and outer elevator control arms is 20mm. So, try try to get
the lengths as close to 20mm as possible.
Orient the servo arms: With the collective stick is centered, ensure that the head servo
arms are perpendicular to their control rods. If they are not rotate your arms to they are
close and use your subtrims to fine tune them.
Leveling the swash: Using a ruler measure from the bottom of the swashplate to the
top mainshaft bearing block. Adjust all the connecting rods so that the swashplate is level.
Equal all the way around the swashplate.
Level the washout and mixer arms: With the collective stick centered and the flybar
perpendicular to the mainshaft, ensure that the washout and mixer arms are perpendicular
to the mainshaft. Adjust rods as necessary.
Additional tail rotor information: When you set up your tail rotor you need to make sure
that your tail pitch slider is not going to to hit your tail pitch control lever mount. With
some gyros you can adjust this and others you can't. If you have a gyro that you can't
adjust this all you need to do is take a piece of fuel tubing and slide it onto your
tail output shaft. Spin your tail rotor to make sure the fuel tubing is long enough but
not too long.
Helicopter Center of Gravity(CG): When the flybar is perpendicular to the tailboom, pick
it up and the nose should be just slightly heavier. If you need to just move your battery
forward to get proper CG.