023-00354-Rev1.4 evc/epc
Copyright © High Country Tek, Inc. – 2013
Product Application Guidelines
ALWAYS do the following
FULLY read this manual and accompanying data sheets BEFORE starting.
Isolate this unit from all other equipment BEFORE any form of welding.
Isolate the controller from ANY form of battery charging or battery boosting.
Be aware of the adjustments and reactions on the external equipment.
Operate the units within the temperature range.
Use the correct tools to do the job (i.e. P.C., software) etc.
Separate High Voltage AC cables from Low Voltage DC signal and supply cables.
Check that the units supply voltage is CORRECT, ‘ELECTRICALLY CLEAN’ and STABLE.
Make sure the controller output voltage & current is compatible with the equipment!
All unused wires / terminals should be terminated safely.
Ensure ALL connectors have no unintended SHORT or OPEN circuits.
Ensure ALL connectors are wired correctly, secure, locked in place and fully connected.
Observe all the set-up procedures in this manual.
Follow and abide by local and country health & safety standards!
NEVER do the following
Arc Weld or Charge Batteries with this module connected as damage can/will occur.
Attempt to use this unit if you are unsure of electrical OR mechanical connections or expected operation.
Use a power supply that is not rated for the output current under full load.
Allow wires to or from the unit to short circuit (to each other or chassis/cabinet etc.).
Use this controller in areas of intense Radio Frequency fields without adequate screening.
Disconnect or connect wires to or from this unit unless it isolated from the power supply.
Use this unit in temperatures that exceed the limits.
Start or operate this controller without ensuring ALL work areas are clear of personnel!
Software Safety
The GUI and controller software give the user flexibility and ease of use, even for novice users.
The GUI is not intended to be connected to a non-evc/epc unit. Care must be taken to use the correct GUI
and hardware combination. After program entries, cycle the power to ensure changes are accepted by the
When the GUI is first connected to a powered controller, a ‘Handshake’ takes place that confirms the
internal software (BIOS) is compatible with the GUI software. Only then the PC and the module are allowed
to communicate and exchange data.
If an error or miss-match is detected, or loss of communication, the GUI software will indicate “OFF LINE”
and NOT allow communications until the problem is corrected.