Revision A • 6/06
2 Installation
Logic connector pinouts and block diagrams for
the Control Room, Studio, Channel Logic and
Timer logic are shown on page 2-23.
Logic inputs are shown on the left side and logic
outputs are shown on the right side of the block
diagrams. Logic inputs, noted by the (-) symbol,
are active low. They are isolated by opto-couplers
that must be activate by connecting the Enable
Logic Inputs pin to +5 to +40 volts.
Most outputs are isolated solid-state relay con-
tacts that are commoned together. The exceptions
are the two warning relay outputs which are iso-
lated dry contacts. The relay common pin can tie
to ground (to generate logic low outputs) or to a
logic voltage of up to 60 volts at 350 mA (to gen-
erate logic high outputs).
S5 volt supply and ground pins are avail-
able on each connector, but these should only be
used to power isolated accessory panels. Grounds
and logic voltages should always be sourced from
the peripheral device in order to maintain fully
isolated operation.
Control Room Logic
This 14-pin connector has two isolated relay
contacts (pins 4 and 5) for controlling a warning
lamp interface like the Harris WL-2 or Henry
Superelay. It is activated whenever any channel
with a Control Room mic as its source is turned
On. This action also mutes the Control Room
Monitor audio output.
The other three logic outputs (commoned to-
gether on pin 10) are: CR dim on pin 12 (acti-
vated when receiving talkback), CR mute on pin
11 (activated when the warning output is active),
and talkback on pin 13 (activated by receiving a
Talk to CR logic command). These outputs can be
used to control external speaker switching circuitry
or be used for tally indicators.
There are two external logic inputs for remotely
dimming monitors (on pin 9) or muting the moni-
tors (on pin 8). To use these inputs, pin 14 must
be tied high (+5 to +40 VDC). The logic inputs are
triggered by being pulled low.
Studio Logic
This 14-pin connector has the same connections
as the control room connector, except they’re for
a talk studio or voice room. There are two isolated
relay contacts (pins 4 and 5) for controlling a warn-
ing lamp interface like the Harris WL-2 or Henry
Superelay. It is activated when any channel with a
studio mic as its source is turned On.
The other three logic outputs (commoned to-
gether on pin 10) are for studio dim (pin 12), stu-
dio mute (pin 11), and studio talkback (pin 13).
These can be used to control external speaker
switching or be used for tally indicators.
There are two external logic inputs for remotely
dimming the studio monitors (on pin 9) or for
muting the studio monitors (on pin 8). To use these
inputs pin 14 must be tied high (+5 to +40 VDC).
The logic inputs are triggered by being pulled low.
Channel Logic
There are eight of these 12-pin connectors on
each DSP & I/O card. They are typically connected
to a remote mic control panel (using Mic logic) or
to a peripheral device logic I/O (using Line logic).
The type of logic used (Mic or Line) is determined
by the setting of the Function parameter. Mic logic
is used when CR MIC, CR MIC TLK SRC or STU
MIC is selected. All other Function settings use
Line logic.
The Channel Logic I/O is associated with ei-
ther the A or B channel source by the Logic Ac-
tive setup control on the DSP & I/O card. When
its LED is lit, the logic connector is active. When
its LED is off, the logic is not active.