Revision A • 6/06
4 Linking the NetWave
This section presents additional details about
the NetWave signals and their VMCC settings,
as previously outlined in the step-by-step instruc-
In Room & Community Names, Description
The In Room Name identifies the signal in
Source Selector and Dual Router panels by us-
ing up to ten alphanumeric characters.
The Community Name is a four-character name
that identifies the signals on other community
members’ consoles or edge device source selec-
tors. It follows a Call Group prefix (which is set
in the console’s parent device main pane) and
the Name Radix (set in the community pane).
The Description column is used to identify
the signal in other VMCC screens. It is not used
within the VistaMax system.
To edit signal names and definitions, click on
the In Room Name, Community Name or De-
scription and edit them as required. If too many
characters are entered, or if an illegal charac-
ter is entered, a red exclamation point and er-
ror warning box will be shown allowing the er-
ror to be corrected or the entry to be discarded.
Signal Format (Stereo or Mono)
All NetWave AMP MOD IV audio connec-
tors (analog and digital) carry two signals. By
default, each connector is defined as a stereo
connection with the left, or first signal, assigned
an odd signal number and the right, or second
signal, being assigned the next even signal num-
ber. Stereo linking ensures the two signals are
treated as one source or destination for proper
phase, timing and signal routing.
This stereo relationship is set by a checkmark
in the
Link w/Next column, which sets the sig-
nal as being
stereo linked
with the next signal.
Typically, this is done on an odd-numbered sig-
nal with the next even numbered signal to en-
sure the two signals are on one connector.
To change a stereo signal into two mono sig-
nals, remove the checkmark in the
Link w/Next
column by double-clicking on it. The two sig-
nals will now be treated as two separate mono
signals. When a mono signal is routed to a Net-
Wave channel strip, it automatically appears
on both the left and right channels.
Hidden Signals
On stereo signals, the right channel is
so that only the one name (the left channel’s)
appears in source selector lists. A Hidden sig-
nal is one with a checkmark in the
Hidden col-
umn. This means it is not available to be added
to any signal include list.
To change the
Hidden status, double-click on
the checkmark to remove it, or double-click in
the empty box to add a checkmark.
A quick way to set the checkmarks for an en-
tire console is to click once to highlight a col-
umn entry and then use the keyboard space bar
to check or un-check that check box. Use the
keyboard up and down arrow keys to quickly
step through the list, pressing the spacebar as
required to toggle the check box status.
Included Signal Lists
Only those signals without checkmarks in the
Hidden column can be added to any include
list. An Include List defines a group of signal
sources or destinations. Include lists are used in
the routers.ini file, the edgedevice.ini file, the
init.mac file and in macro files. The source in-
clude list sets which signals are available for
routing (i.e., in the edgedevice.ini file they set
which ones are shown in the Dual Router and
source selector displays). The destination include
list, in the routers.ini file, sets which destina-
tions can have signals routed to them.