Exciter Incorporating FLO
Details of the Exciter Status Screens
Navigating the LCD Display Screens
Page: 3-13
WARNING: Disconnect primary power prior to servicing.
• 5 Vdc: This is the board input voltage, which comes from the controller board.
• 3.3 Vdc: This is the output of the 3.3 V dc to dc converter.
• 2.5 Vdc supply is derived from the 3.3 Vdc supply through an FET switch. This volt-
age is switched off if the DSP 1.8 Vdc supply faults.
• 1.8 Vdc This is the output of the 1.8 volt core power supply.
• 1.2 Vdc This is the output of the 1.2 volt core power supply.
• FPGA Temp. refers to the temperature of the FPGA board.
• GPS 5 Vdc refers to the 5 volt supply for the GPS receiver.
• FPGA cfg refers to the configuration of the FPGA, which is a microprocessor.
• FPGA prog (OK or FAULT) refers to the programing of the FPGA board.
• EEPROM: (Ok or FAULT) The EEPROM is the local board memory. It stores board
specific information such as board revision, CPLD revision, FPGA revision, and oth-
er local data.
• PLL Unlock (OK or FAULT) Status of 11.1 MHz clock, OK represents clock locked
to 10 MHz reference.
• FPGA Rev: Revision level of the firmware in the field programmable gate array in the
Modulator board.
• CPLD Rev: Revision level of the CPLD in the Modulator board.
• Board Rev: Board revision level for the Modulator board.
ADC and DAC Boards Status, Screen 2/2
Figure 3-11 ADC and DAC Status, Screen 2/2
Refer to Figure 3-11. The ADC and DAC screen entries are listed below.
• ADC Board Rev: This is the board revision for the analog to digital converter board.
• DAC Board Rev: This is the board revision for the digital to analog converter board.