Exciter Incorporating FLO
Starting Point: The Main LCD Touch Screen
Navigating the LCD Display Screens
Page: 3-3
WARNING: Disconnect primary power prior to servicing.
• RF spectrum display at selected locations throughout the transmitter RF system.
Several Main screen soft keys are provided to start the process of navigation through the
various LCD screens. These areas include FLO Meas (measure), Status, Setup, or Fault.
Spectrum Response Screen
If the RF spectrum area of the main screen is touched, a full screen display of the RF
spectrum is presented. The spectral response can be displayed at several locations through
out the transmitter RF system. These choices are found on the Main Menu > Setup >
Display screen. This screen is described in Section 3.6.4, Display Setup Screen, on page
3-41. Circuit locations for these displays include:
• Tx-Pre HPF: From rear panel RF sample input, labeled PA Sample.
• Tx-Post HPF: From rear panel RF sample input, labeled HPF Sample.
• FLO Ref: The FLO I and Q signal from the FPGA board.
• C: The FLO real signal from the FPGA board.
• D: The sample of the linear precorrector output.
• J: The sample of the non linear precorrector output.
• FLO w/RTAC: Digital signal taken at output of adaptive precorrector board.
• BIT: Sample of the Built In Test FIFO (for future use).
• Exciter: RF signal is taken from J4 sample output of exciter PA and connected to J4
sample input on down converter board.
Exciter Status Series of Screens
Selecting the Main screen Status button accesses the Exciter Status screen. Five smaller
boxes are displayed within the System Status screen. These boxes represent circuit
functions within the exciter. Touching any of the five boxes brings up the status sub screen
(or screens) for that circuit board. Within any of these screens, touching Home returns to
the main screen, and touching Status or Fault brings up the System Status screen. Pictures
and descriptions of these screens are found in Section 3.4 on page 3-8.
Exciter Setup Series of Screens
Selecting the Main screen Setup button accesses the System Setup screen. Eight smaller
boxes are displayed within the System Setup screen. These boxes represent programmable
areas within the exciter. Touching any of the eight boxes brings up the setup sub screen for
that area. Within any of these screens, touching Home returns to the main screen, touching
Back returns to the System Setup screen, and touching Fault (at the bottom of the screen, if
a fault exists) brings up the System Status screen. Pictures and descriptions of these screens
are found in Section 3.6 on page 3-32.