Clamping force tester TESTit – Safety
2.4 Personal protective equipment
Wearing of personal protective equipment is required
to minimize health hazards when working with the de-
Always wear the protective equipment necessary for
the respective task when working with the device.
Follow the instructions that have been posted in the
work area.
Always wear
For all tasks always wear:
Protective work clothing
is tight-fitting work clothing with low resistance to tear-
ing, with tight sleeves, and without projecting parts. It
is primarily used to protect against entanglement by
moving machine parts.
Do not wear rings, chains, or other jewelry.
Safety footwear
for protection against heavy falling parts and slipping
on slippery substrates.
For special tasks
Special protective equipment is required when exe-
cuting special tasks. Separate reference is made to
this equipment in the specific sections of this manual.
This special protective equipment is explained below:
Hard hat
to protect against falling and flying parts and materi-
Protective goggles
to protect eyes from flying parts and liquid splashes.
Protective gloves
to protect hands from friction, abrasion, puncture
wounds, or deeper injuries, as well as from contact
with hot surfaces.
Order H49 7144.907-333