Clamping force tester TESTit – Trouble shooting
9 Trouble shooting
Possible fault causes and the tasks to correct these
faults are described in the following section.
Contact the manufacturer if there are faults that can-
not be corrected by following the instructions below;
see the service address on the back of this operating
9.1 Safety
Trouble shooting
The following always applies:
1. For faults that pose a direct danger for personnel
and or property immediately execute the emergen-
cy-stop function of the machine.
2. Determine the cause of the fault.
3. If correction of the fault requires work in the danger
zone, put the machine in set-up mode.
4. Immediately inform the responsible parties at the
installation site of the fault.
5. Depending on the type of fault, either have autho-
rized specialized personnel correct the fault, or
correct it yourself.
The trouble shooting table provided below lists
personnel who are authorized to correct the
6. If there is a fault that was not caused by the clamp-
ing device the cause of the fault may be in the ma-
chine area. See the operating manual for the ma-
chine in this regard.
Order H49 7144.907-333