Hägglunds Fusion Drive system
| Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AB, RE 15345-WA Version 11.2022,
8.3 Initial start up procedure
Follow section
Make sure the driven system and driven machine are ready to run.
Warn all personel in the area that the system will be started.
Never operate the drive system with defective instruments or control elements.
Keep inflammable materials away from the drive system.
During start-up period, the hydraulic system will be cleaned from built-in dirt
particles, therefore keep an eye on the filter indicator during the entire start up
Immediately before starting
Check that the prescribed steps in section
have been
carried out.
Check fluid level in the tank and refill to the nominal level, see
Check if any components need filling with clean hydraulic fluid, i.e. motor case.
Check safety equipment.
Make sure that all valves on the suction, pressure and inlet side of the pump, as
well as any valves on drain lines, are open.
Check that cooling water is connected and turned on if a water-oil cooler is used.
For adjustments and settings on the control system (if any) see special
instruction in attached order specific Hägglunds Fusion documentation.
Start with unloaded pump at short intervals
Starting of the drive system shall be carried out with a completely unloaded pump
in short intervals.
Wrong direction of rotation of the pump
Pump will be damaged. System contaminated
Make sure that the pump has the correct direction of rotation. The correct
direction of rotation is marked with a sign placed between electric motor and
motor plate, see
Rotating parts!
Risk of injury.
Do not touch rotating parts inside the inspection hole (see
zone of rotating parts.
When the hydraulic fluid is cold some restarts may be needed to raise the charge
Check the charge pressure level and confirm with data and settings in attached
order specific Hägglunds Fusion documentation.
If OK, the pump may be allowed to come on stroke and introduce flow into the
unloaded hydraulic system. Check that the charge pressure is still OK.