H3C SR6608/6604 Routers Installation Manual
Chapter 7 Maintaining Software
Figure 7-6
Sending file dialog box
After the file is downloaded, the following information appears on terminal interface:
Download successfully!
22745856 bytes downloaded!
The system prompts you to enter the name of application file to be downloaded to the
current storage medium.
Input the File Name:
If the file name is different from that of any existing file on the storage medium, the
application file will be saved as this file name, for example,
Input the File Name:main.bin
Updating File cfa0:/main.bin................ ... ........................
After that, you need to return to the main menu, enter the file control sub-menu, and set
the application file as the default boot program. The system will use this program for
next system boot. For description of the default boot program, refer to section 7.6.2
Setting Application Files Attributes on page 7-36.
If the file name already exists on the storage medium, the system prompts:
The file is exist,will you recover it? [Y/N]
If you enter
, the existing application file will be overwritten and successfully
updated. The system will use the new application file for next system boot.
If you enter
, the system prompts:
Cancel to overwrite the file.