Setup Screens
Advanced Screen 3
This screen allows the user to control the availability of a
few key system features.
Disable Dispensing: Check this box to disable dis-
pensing from the ADM. A footswitch, gun trigger, or
other external signal will be the only means with
which to trigger a dispense.
Disable Modifying Temp Setpoint: Check this box
to disable modifying temperature setpoints from the
Status run screen.
Disable Operator Mode Adjustments: When this
box is checked, the user will not be able to adjust
the dispense setpoint in Operator Mode.
Low Heater Temp Disables Dispense: When this
box is checked, the system will reject dispense
requests on system power up until all enabled heat
zones have reached their setpoint.
High Chiller Temp Disables Dispense: When this
box is checked, the system will disable dispensing
on system power up until all enabled chiller zones
have reached their setpoint.
Operator Mode Cavitation Alarm: Check this box
to enable cavitation alarms in Operator Mode. Clear
this box to disable cavitation alarms in Operator
Enable Downloading of USB Logs: When this box
is checked, USB logs will be automatically down-
loaded when a USB drive is inserted into the ADM.
Complete Dispense with Setpoint Error: When
this box is checked, the shot will continue dispens-
ing even if the system never reaches the desired
The screen displays the date of the last USB log down-
load. When downloading logs, only data recorded since
the displayed date will be downloaded. To reset the date
and force a download of the USB logs in their entirety,
press the Erase Single button next to the Date of Last
Download label. The next time a USB drive is inserted
into the ADM, the complete USB logs will be down-
loaded. See USB Operation on page 56 for a complete