ADM Screen Overview
Maintenance Screen 1
This screen keeps track of the cycles of the A and B
pump, both current and lifetime, as well as the number
of times the dispense valve has opened and closed. The
user can also jog the pumps from the maintenance
The user can clear the current cycles for the pumps or
the dispense valve by highlighting the desired pump (A
or B) or dispense valve and pressing the
The user can press the arrows at the bottom of the
screen to jog the pumps forward
or backward
icon is used for the calibration of a new
motor control board in the electric driver, and should
only be pressed when the motor board is replaced or
when error W5NX is active.
This screen also allows the user to generate an exces
sive Pump or Dispense Valve cycles advisory, if the cor
responding Pump or Valve cycles exceeds the number
entered in the second column limit field. If a non-zero
number is entered in that field, and the corresponding
pump or valve cycles exceeds that value, the EFR will
generate and log an advisory informing the user of the
condition. To remove the advisory, either enter 0 in the
Current counter, raise the Limit value, or enter zero for
the limit value.
Maintenance Screen 2
This screen allows users to see the line voltage of the
incoming AC power, the motor temperature, the per
centage of torque on the motor, and the position of the
The arrow located to the right of the pumps position indi
cates the direction the pumps are moving. When the
arrow is green, the pumps are moving, and when the
arrow is red, the system is going through a changeover.
A green arrow pointing up means the pump is moving
towards the driver housing, and a green arrow pointing
down means the pump is moving towards the pumps.
A red arrow pointing up signifies a top changeover, and
a red arrow pointing down signifies a bottom change