GE Multilin
Sub Meters
6.1. RS-485
Each EPM 2000 series instruments has a unique address up to three digits long. The range of
the instrument address is 1 to 247. This allows the user to communicate with up to 247
instruments on one COM port of the PC. However, each RS485 segment allows only 32
loads(nodes). Therefore, Data Repeaters are necessary to amplify the signal between
Available standard baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200. To select the proper
baud rate, apply the following rules:
For best results under normal conditions, leave the meter factory-set at 9600 baud.
For a smaller number of instruments over a long distance, use a low baud rate 4800 / 2400
/ 1200.
In noisy EMI, RFI conditions, try 4800 or 2400 baud.
With short cable runs (< 300 meters or 975 feet), 19200 baud speeds up data transfers.
The connection diagrams show one Termination Resistor (RT) across the cable-pair at each
end of the cable. This is a 1 Watt resistor, 5% or better. Its value should approximately equal
the Impedance of the Data Cable, as specified by the cable manufacturer. If you’re not sure, a
value of 120 Ohms might just work fine.
The termination resistors help absorb the data signal reflections off the ends of the cable,
reducing data packet defects and the corresponding data packet re-transmissions. In cable runs
longer than say 200 meters (650 feet), and with baud rates higher than 9600 baud, these
benefits become more apparent.
Figure 6-1: 2 Wire Half Duplex Communication Connection
EPM 2000 Instruments (rear view)