For GAZ560 and GAZ5601, 5602 engines it is recommended to use fil
ter elements (nondetachable, fullflow): Fleetguard LF3402 and LF3449,
Knecht OC59 (F0371), Mann W940 or W940/15N.
Filter element of Sofim 8140. 43C engine oil filter is RD303 45.303.000.53.
4. Filter element of ZMZ4061, ZMZ4063 and ZMZ40522 engine air fil
ter – 31021109013 (03, 04, 05, 06) or 31029 (01, 02, 03).
Filter element of GAZ560, GAZ5601, 5602 engine air filter – 3105
1109013, 31101109013 or 311011090131301.
Filter element of Sofim 8140. 43C engine air filter is 3302110901010.
5. Spark plugs (ZMZ4061, ZMZ4063 and ZMZ40522 engines) – see
“Specifications”, subsection 3.10.
6. Filter element of power steering system
reservoir ШНКФ 453473.400.
In case of installation of power steering system
reservoir ЯМЗ.993.004
the latter is replaced in assembly.
Power steering system is mounted on some of the vehicles.