clears the ground by 4–5 cm. In case of loose ground it is recommended to
place a pad or a firm board under the jack base;
— remove six nuts, replace the wheel and fit the nuts;
— lower the vehicle;
— tighten the wheel nuts and remove the chocks;
— adjust the tire pressure.
When using the jack the following rules should be observed:
1.To maintain the vehicle stability, place the chocks under the wheels from
the opposite side and apply the handbrake.
2. Do not work beneath the vehicle with the lifting jack as the only sup
To carry out adjustment and mounting/dismounting operations lift the
vehicle on the jack and then lower it on suitable stands.
3. Avoid fouling of threaded surfaces of screws and periodically apply graph
ite grease on them.
9.11.2. Wheel replacement using hydraulic jack (buses, vans and 4WD
Replace the wheel in the following sequence:
— apply the handbrake;
— place chocks under the wheels from the side opposite to the wheel to be
— loosen six nuts of the wheel to be removed;
Fig. 9.12.
1 – head; 2 – screw; 3 and 4 – operating plungers;
5 – handle; 6 – delivery plunger; 7 – shutoff needle;
8 – plug