Memory Battery Low - The battery that sustains user memory is low and
should be replaced by an authorized GARMIN service center as soon as
possible. Failure to do so may result in loss of stored data, including all
waypoints and routes.
Need Altitude - The GPS 95 needs altitude to start and/or continue 2D
navigation. Press NAV and enter your current altitude. The altitude you enter
should be as accurate as possible. An inaccurate altitude will result in an
inaccurate position and navigation information.
No DGPS Position - An RTCM input has been selected, but not enough
DGPS data is available to calculate a corrected position.
No RTCM Input - An RTCM input has been selected, but no data is being
received or the input data is in the wrong format.
Osc Needs Adjustment - The GPS 95 has detected excessive drift in its
internal crystal oscillator which may result in longer acquisition time. The unit
should be taken to an authorized GARMIN service center as soon as
Poor GPS Coverage - The GPS 95 cannot acquire sufficient satellites
necessary to provide navigation.
Pwr Down and Re-init - The GPS 95 is unable to compute a position due
to abnormal satellite conditions. Power down the unit and verify that the
position on the Position Page is within a few degrees of your actual position.
Prox Alarm ____ - Your craft has penetrated the alarm circle of a proximity
Proximity List Full - An attempt has been made to add more than nine
waypoints to the proximity list. The GPS 95 will not allow more than nine
proximity waypoints.
Proximity Overlap - The circles defined by two proximity waypoints overlay.
When entering the area of the overlap, the GPS 95 will alert you of the closest
proximity waypoint, but not both. You should be certain this condition is
Proximity Waypoint - An attempt has been made to delete a waypoint for
which a proximity alarm has been defined. You must remove the waypoint
from the proximity list before the waypoint can be deleted.
Proximity wpt lckd - At least one proximity waypoint is locked because the
waypoint has been removed due to a database change.