Enter the longitude of the Dry Tortugas
(W 083°08.301') in the same manner
as was used for the latitude.
Press ENT when you are finished.
(NOTE: You do not need to enter the
leading zero for degrees or minutes.
In both cases you may begin by
pressing the “8” key.)
This trip will take you to an intermediate destination (Dry Tortugas) and then
a final destination (Key West). You could go to each destination using the
GOTO function as described in Chapter 4. (Select GOTO DRYTG, then,
upon reaching DRYTG, select GOTO KEYW.) However, for this sample trip,
the route capabilities of the GPS 95 will be utilized.
To create the sample route...
Press RTE and the RTE softkey, if
needed, to select the Route Definition
Press the right arrow to place the
cursor on the route number field.
*Plus RTE softkey, if
*Enter the longitude
using the same steps
shown above