course, you then steer towards the “D-Bar”. A “Steer to D-Bar” orientation
is the typical setting for aviation use and will make the GPS 95's graphic CDI
respond much like the CDI on your instrument panel.
To set the CDI orientation...
· Highlight the “steer to” field.
· Press CLR to select the desired orientation.
The Date/Time Page displays the UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time,
Greenwich Mean Time or Zulu Time)
date and time. The local offset or time
difference is shown on the next line.
For time zones west of the UTC zone,
enter a negative offset. (HINT: The
minus sign is on the “9” key.) Appendix
E contains a list of time offsets.
The cyclic field for “Display” options determines which time, UTC or Local,
will be displayed on all other GPS 95 pages.
To display UTC or local time...
· Highlight the time display field.
· Press CLR to select the desired time reference.
The timer field can be selected as “Count Up” or “Count Down” by highlighting
and pressing CLR. This timer is useful for measuring the elapsed time since
a certain event, or it can tell you when a specified amount of time has expired.
To set the count up timer...
· Place the cursor on the timer option field.
· Press CLR to select “count up”.
· Press the right arrow key.
· Press CLR and ENT to clear the hours field.
· Press CLR and ENT to clear the minutes field.
· Press CLR and ENT to clear the seconds field. The count up timer will
begin counting the elapsed time.