The Map Display orientation is also selected from the Map Configuration
Page. The Map Display may be oriented as follows:
· North up - The Map Display will always be displayed with north as the
top of the page.
· TRK up
- Track up. The Map Display will be oriented such that your
current ground track direction is at the top of the page.
· DTK up
- Desired track up. The Map Display will be oriented along
the course between the “active from” and “active to” waypoints.
As mentioned earlier, the Present Position Page is automatically displayed
when the GPS 95 is turned on and a position is obtained. The top line of this
page displays your ground track (TRK) and ground speed (GS). The next two
lines indicate your current position according to the coordinate format and
map datum selected. In the example shown above, the position is displayed
in degrees and decimal minutes of latitude/longitude. (See Section 8.3 for
more information on coordinate format selections and Section 8.8 for more
information on map datum selections.)
The bottom line of the Present Position Page is a cyclic field which can
display either altitude above mean sea level (MSL) or current time (UTC or
local). Select the desired option by placing the cursor on this field and
pressing CLR.
When the GPS 95 is performing 2D navigation, the last known altitude will be
used to calculate a present position. If the altitude is not accurate within a few
hundred feet you should manually enter your altitude.
To enter the altitude (2D only)...
· Use the arrow keys to place the cursor to the right of “Altitude”.
· Enter the correct altitude and press ENT.