Cyclic Field
Confirmation Field
Bar Field
The area of the page which is highlighted in reverse video is called the
cursor. The cursor may be moved to locations on the page called fields
which allow you to enter data or change options. You will encounter five types
of fields.
· Numeric fields accept numbers only.
· Alphanumeric fields accept numbers as well as letters.
· Cyclic fields allow selection from several available options. A cyclic
field is preceded by a prompt ( ). You may cycle through the choices
by pushing CLR.
· Confirmation fields allow you to indicate your approval. For example,
you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete a waypoint.
Confirmation fields always end with a “?” character. Press ENT to
approve the confirmation field.
· Bar fields allow an adjustable scale entry with the length of the bar
representing the minimum to maximum setting. Use the arrow keys to
make adjustments in bar fields.
The PWR/STAT key is a dual function key that controls unit power
and system status. Pressing this when the unit is off will turn the unit
on. To turn the unit off, press and hold PWR/STAT until the display
is blank.
Pressing PWR/STAT momentarily while the unit is on will take you
to the status pages. (See Chapter 8.) If the message annunciator
is flashing and the tone sounds, you may push PWR/STAT to view
the message.