G500/G600 TXi Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Rev. 1
Page 3-3
RVSM Checks (TBM
700/850 Only)
Perform the air data checks and autopilot altitude hold checks
as specified in Section 3.6.
24 Calendar
AHRS Magnetic Field
Model Update
The GSU 75(), GRS 79, and GDU 1060/700P Integrated
ADAHRS utilize an Earth magnetic field model which is updated
once every five years as part of the Aviation Database
maintained by the owner/operator. If the magnetic model is not
up to date, the unit will issue an alert upon startup indicating the
model has expired. A service bulletin containing the updated
magnetic field model and instructions for installation can be
obtained from the dealer resource center or by contacting
Every 5 years
Electrical Bonding
Perform an electrical bonding check of the G500/G600 TXi
system LRUs in accordance with Section 3.5.
Every 2000
Flight hours or
10 years,
comes first
GDU 1060/700
Cooling Fan
It is recommended that the cooling fan on the GDU 1060/700
be replaced every 3000 fan operating hours. The number of
hours the fan has been operating can be viewed using the
following procedure:
1. Power on the GDU 1060/700 in configuration mode per the
instructions in Section 2.1.4.
2. Navigate to
Temp & Power Stats.
3. The cooling fan operating hours can be found under
as “Fan OPER Hours”.
The cooling fan replacement procedure is contained in Section
d every 3000
fan operating
Altimeter Checks
Test according to 14 CFR §43 Appendix E.
See the pitot-static checkout procedure in Section 5.15.2 for
system specific checkout procedure.
Interval must
be in
with Title 14
CFR §91.411
and 91.413
Lightning Damage
Conduct an inspection of the G500/G600 TXi system in
accordance with Section 3.8.
After a
suspected or
lightning strike
Equipment Removal
and Replacement
Removal and replacement of the G500/G600 TXi system LRUs
can be accomplished by referring to Section 5 of this manual for
On Condition
Cleaning GDU 1060/
700 front panel
The front bezel, keypad, and display can be cleaned with a soft
cotton cloth dampened with clean water. DO NOT use any
chemical cleaning agents. Care should be taken to avoid
scratching the surface of the display.
On Condition
Description/ Procedure