GALILEOSKY GLONASS/GPS Satellite v4.0 (0223) User’s manual
GalileoSky Ltd.
Page 30
Connecting DS18S20 (DS1820, DS18B20) thermometers and DS1923
temperature and humidity sensors
It is possible to connect up to 8 DS18S20 thermometers and 8 DS1923 sensors. To use the sensors connect
them to 1-Wire and GND contacts (Contacts description) and activate the corresponding protocol items
(Server exchange protocol settings, Table 2. GalileoSky protocol tags). There is no any linkage between a
thermometer or humidity sensor and a certain tag cell in the protocol. All data are stored in memory cells
in a definite order: from a lower tag to a higher tag. If the number of cells exceeds the number of
thermometers, the extra higher cells will contain the data, which correspond to disconnected sensor state.
By temperature sensor turning off the thermometer field shows disconnection (-128ºC).
By humidity sensor turning off the thermometer field shows disconnection (0%).
Connecting Autoinformer speaker
Not less than 8 Ohm
Transistor outputs (0/1)
To operate external devices there are 4 discrete «open collector» outputs (section Contacts description) in
the Terminal. The maximum output voltage is -+30V, each output current is no more than 80mA.
The Terminal outputs values are stored in the nonvolatile memory, so the device sets these stored values
even after being reset.
To operate outputs use Out command (section Transistor output settings)
or the Settings/Inputs/Outputs
tab in the Configurator
OUT0…OUT3 outputs relay connection circuit
Relay wiring or other inductive
+( 12..30 ) V
1N5402..1N5408 diode
or an analogous one for 3
direct current
and reverse voltage at least 200 V
GALILEO Terminal