Contact for Inquires
Contact for Inquiries
Contact for Inquiries
Refer to the contact list on the last page of the
Safety Precautions manual.
ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™.
- Windows Server 2008/Windows 7
Select [Start] menu
[All Programs]
[ABBYY FineReader for
ScanSnap (TM)]
[User's Guide]
[Technical Support].
- Windows Server 2012
Right-click the Start screen, select [All apps] on the app bar, and
then select [User's Guide] under [ABBYY FineReader for
ScanSnap (TM)]
[Technical Support].
- Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows 8.1
Click [
] on the lower left side of the Start screen, and then
select [User's Guide] under [ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap
[Technical Support].
To display [
], move the mouse cursor.
- Windows 10/Windows Server 2016
Select [Start] menu
[ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap (TM)]
[User's Guide].
Image Scanner fi Series
For other inquiries regarding the scanner, refer to the following
web page:
If the solution to your problem cannot be found on the above
web page, refer to the contact information for your Fujitsu office
on the following web page:
Contact for Purchasing Consumables or
Cleaning Materials