Place the vehicle in any of the orientations shown in red (incomplete) and
hold it still. Once prompted (the orientation-image turns yellow), rotate the
vehicle around the specified axis in either/both directions. Once the
calibration is complete in that orientation the associated image on the
screen will turn green.
4. Repeat the calibration process for all vehicle orientations.
Accelerometer Calibration
Follow the instructions below to perform an accelerometer calibration on ALTA X.
Accelerometer calibrations should only be done when prompted by ALTA QGroundControl.
1. Click the Accelerometer sensor button.
2. Click OK to start the calibration.
Position the vehicle as guided by the images on the screen. This is very
similar to compass calibration.
Level Horizon Calibration
Follow the instructions below to perform a level horizon calibration on ALTA X. Horizon
calibrations should only be done if the horizon (as shown in the HUD) is not level after
completing Accelerometer calibration and the aircraft is sitting on a level surface.
1. Click the Level Horizon sensor button.
2. Place the vehicle in its level flight orientation on a level surface.
3. Click OK to start the calibration.
GPS Lights
The GPS module includes multi-color LED status lights that provide extra indication of
aircraft status on the ground.