{% hint style="warning" %} ALTA X must have a GPS lock before takeoff to set a valid home
position in order to start a waypoints mission. Waypoint mode will be unavailable if the
aircraft took off before GPS lock was achieved. Operator must land and rearm with GPS
lock to enable. {% endhint %}
Return-to-Launch Mode will command ALTA X to fly back to the defined Home Point. When
ALTA X first acquires a GPS position, it sets this as the Home Point of the flight. See the
Radio Channel Mapping section in this manual for more information on setting up the
Return-to-Launch Switch.
RTL can be initiated automatically with a LOS event if it is selected as the Signal Loss Action
in ALTA QGroundControl. RTL can also be initiated manually while flying in any Mode and
setting the Home Switch to RTL.
When initiated manually using the Home Switch, ALTA X will climb to the configured return
altitude, fly back to the Home Point, and descend to 10m. ALTA X will hover above the home
point and wait for a set amount of time and then land. The pilot can cancel the RTL
procedure by returning the Home Switch to off.
During an LOS event, RTL followed by Autoland will be initiated automatically. ALTA X will
first check its current altitude against configured RTL altitude. ALTA X will climb to Safe
Height. Next, ALTA X will fly back to the home position at the default waypoint speed set in
the ALTA X QGroundControl. Finally, upon reaching the home position, ALTA X will loiter for
45s and then begin to Autoland.
The Autoland function will land in place. The vertical speed at which the ALTA will descend
during an Autoland varies as the ALTA approaches the ground. Higher above the elevation of
the home point, ALTA X descends at a faster rate and gradually slows to the user-defined
Autoland Descent Rate before landing. By default, the aircraft will descend at 0.7m/s until
touchdown is detected.
{% hint style="danger" %} Autoland is intended to be a failsafe in case of loss of RC control