Scope Calibration Option
Calibrating the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope
The default setting is 25 mV @ 1 MHz.
For example, on a Fluke PM3392A oscilloscope, start with a signal of 1 V @ 1 MHz.
Adjust the scale on your oscilloscope to achieve a good picture of the edge. For
example, on a Fluke PM3392A oscilloscope with a 1 V @ 1 MHz signal, use
200 mV/div.
Adjust the time base on your oscilloscope to the fastest position available (20.0 or
50.0 ns/div).
Pulse aberrations
Verify that your oscilloscope exhibits the proper rise time and pulse aberration
Remove the input signal by pressing
The Leveled Sine Wave Function
The Leveled Sine Wave (Levsine) function uses a leveled sine wave, whose amplitude
remains relatively constant over a range of frequencies, to check the oscilloscope’s
bandwidth. When you check your oscilloscope, you change the wave’s frequency until
the amplitude displayed on the oscilloscope drops 30 %, which is the amplitude that
corresponds to the -3 dB point.
To access the Levsine menu, press the softkey under MODE until “levsine” appears.
Make sure there is no cable connected to TRIG OUT while using the
Levsine function.
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