Users Manual
Each item in the V/DIV menu is described below.
Changes the scale of the output display by changing the number of volts that
are represented by each division. The available settings, shown in the figure above,
are provided in 1-2-5 step increments. Press the softkey under UP to increase the
volts per division. Press the softkey under DOWN to decrease the volts per division.
Specifies the number of divisions that establish the p-p value of the
waveform. The value can be adjusted from one to eight divisions. The amount
denoted by each division is displayed in the V/div field. Press the softkey under UP
to increase the signal’s height, and press the softkey under DOWN to decrease it.
Shortcuts for Setting the Voltage Amplitude
keys step the voltages through cardinal point values of an oscilloscope
in a 1-2-5 step sequence. For example, if the voltage is 40 mV, then pressing
increases the voltage to the nearest cardinal point, which is 50 mV. Pressing
decreases the voltage to the nearest cardinal point, which is 20 mV.
Amplitude Calibration Procedure for an Oscilloscope
This example procedure describes how to use the Volt menu to calibrate the
oscilloscope’s amplitude gain. During calibration, you will need to set different voltages
and verify that the gain matches the graticule lines on the oscilloscope according to the
specifications for your particular oscilloscope. See your oscilloscope manual for the
recommended calibration settings and appropriate gain values.
Before you start this procedure, verify that you are running the oscilloscope option in
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