SRP Control Panel Engineering and Commissioning Manual
Please read and understand the following information in order to make the most use of the
Action Required
If you think that you may have accidentally set off the fire alarms, then check the following:
If the fire alarm within your area only is sounding, then check your own area for the cause of
the alarm. If this proves to be a false alarm due to dust, cooking fumes, steam, cigarette
smoke, etc., then clear the smoke from the area and press reset on the Control Panel. If the
alarm state does not re-annunciate then no further action is required. If the fire alarms in the
communal areas are also sounding, then follow the building
’s fire procedures for evacuation.
If you discover a genuine fire, then follow the building
’s fire procedures for evacuation,
activating the nearest Fire Alarm manual call point on the way out if the alarms are not already
Do not attempt to put out the fire unless it is safe to do so.
Further Information
Further information will be located adjacent to the Main Fire Alarm Control Panel, or may be
obtained from either the person responsible for building maintenance or from the Fire Alarm
Company responsible for maintaining the Fire Alarm System