Main features of FIBARO Roller Shutter 3:
• compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ controller,
• Supports Z-Wave network Security Modes: S0 with AES-128
encryption and S2 Authenticated with PRnG-based encryption,
• To be installed with roller blind motors with electronic or
mechanical limit switches,
• Advanced microprocessor control,
• Active power and energy metering functionality,
• Works with various types of switches – momentary, toggle and
dedicated roller blind switches,
• To be installed in wall switch boxes.
FIBARO Roller Shutter 3
is a device designed to control roller blinds,
awnings, venetian blinds, gates and other single phase, Ac powered
Roller Shutter 3 allows precise positioning of roller blinds or venetian
blind lamellas. The device is equipped with power and energy
monitoring. It allows to control connected devices either via the
Z-Wave network or via a switch connected directly to it.
#1: Description and features
FIBARO Roller Shutter 3 is a fully
compatible Z-Wave PLUS device.
The device is a Secu-
rity Enabled Z-Wave
Plus product and a Se-
curity Enabled Z-Wave
controller must be
used in order to fully
utilize the product.
This device may be
used with all de-
vices certified with
the Z-Wave Plus cer-
tificate and should be
compatible with such
devices produced by
other manufacturers.
All non-battery oper-
ated devices within
the network will act as
repeaters to increase
reliability of the net-