Resetting the device to factory defaults:
Reset procedure allows to restore the device back to its factory set-
tings, which means all information about the Z-Wave controller and
user configuration will be deleted.
1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).
2. Remove the device from the wall switch box.
3. Switch on the mains voltage.
4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.
5. Wait for the lED indicator to glow yellow.
6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.
7. After few seconds the device will be restarted, which is signalled
with the red lED indicator colour.
Resetting the device is
not the recommend-
ed way of removing
the device from the
Z-Wave network. use
reset procedure only
if the primary con-
troller is missing or
inoperable. certain
device removal can
be achieved by the
procedure of remov-
ing described in “Add-
ing the device” on
page 5.
#9: Resetting to factory defaults