The DIN Start PosTable signal (rising edge) triggers the entry index (specified via the DIN function) task,
but whether or not the task is executed depends on the start condition (CTL reg bit14-15). After one task is
finished, it goes to the next index (CTL reg bit0-4) or stops, depending on Next / Stop (CTL reg bit 8),
Condition (CTL reg bit 9-11) and Loops. The current index box shows the index of the task which is being
Up to 32 position control tasks can be set, and each task contains the following items:
Idx: Index of task, range: 0-31
Posinc: Position command
Speed rpm: Speed command during positioning
Delay ms: Delay time before going next index(unit: ms).
Accidx, Dec idx: Range: 0-7, index of profile acceleration, deceleration during positioning, related acc / dec
value is set in following area fields:
Figure 6-3: Acceleration and deceleration table
CTL Reg: Contains following bits:
Bits 0-4: Next index, defines the index of the next position control task
Bits 5-7: reserved
Bit 8: Next / stop,
1: Next; go to next task if condition (see bit9-11) = 1 and loops checking is OK (see Loops) after
current positioning task is finished.
0: Stop; stop after current positioning task is finished
Bit9: Cond0 ON,
1: Cond0 ON; condition0 means Logic status of DIN function PosTable Cond0.
0: Cond0 OFF
Bit 10: Cond1 ON,
1: Cond1 ON; condition1 = Rising edge of DIN function PosTable Cond1.
0: Cond1 OFF
Bit 11: and / or; only on case of both Cond0 and Cond1 is ON,
1: AND; Condition = (Condition0&&Condition1).
0: OR; Condition = (Condition0||Condition1).
Condition = 1 if neither Cond0 nor Cond1 is ON
Condition = Condition0 if only Cond0 is ON
Condition = Condition1 if only Cond1 is ON
Bits 12-13: MODE, mode of the position command,
0 (A): Posinc is the absolute position.
1 (RN): Posinc is the position relative to current target position.
2 (RA): Posinc is the position relative to the actual position.