Table 6-13: Din functions of the position table mode
PosTable Cond0
If Cond0 ON, Condition0 = PosTable Cond0 (refer to introduction concerning Cond0 ON)
PosTable Cond1
If Cond1 ON, Condition1 = PosTable Cond1 (refer to introduction concerning Cond1 ON)
Start PosTable
Start position flow
PosTable Idx0
Entry index of position flow, bit0: PosTable Idx0; bit1: PosTable Idx1; bit2: PosTable Idx2. A
bit which is not configured to DIN means 0.
PosTable Idx1
PosTable Idx2
Abort PosTable
Abort position flow
Table 6-14: OUT functions of the position table mode
PosTable Active
Position table mode running
In the PC software, click menu item Controller->Control Modes->Position Table Mode in order to
enter position table parameter settings.
Figure 6-2: Position table mode window