Ferm FPHT-26CC Скачать руководство пользователя страница 8

Afiação das lâminas (Nível 3))

Fig. 28 - 33

Ferramentas necessárias:

chave inglesa S8-S10


lima plana


chave de fendas

Peças necessárias:

porcas de bloqueio

Aviso! As lâminas do aparador de sebes são muito afiadas. Use luvas para proteger as mãos.

Desligue o arame da vela de ignição.

Retire o esticador da lâmina

Retire os dois parafusos (J) na parte inferior da protecção da pega frontal.

Retire os três parafusos (K) na placa de suporte da lâmina.

Retire as porcas de bloqueio do esticador da lâmina (L) e as anilhas. Não retire os parafusos da lâmina.

Retire o esticador da lâmina.

Aperte novamente as porcas de fixação (L) e as anilhas na lâmina

Faça deslizar as lâminas para permitir a utilização da lima através das ranhuras (M) na parte inferior da lâmina. Não force o aparador
contra extremidades cortantes.

Afie cada extremidade com cuidado. Siga o formato original da lâmina.


se utilizar um esmeril, não deixe que a lâmina aqueça demasiado.

Monte o esticador da lâmina pela ordem inversa.


utilize novas porcas de bloqueio sempre que montar o esticador da lâmina.

Lubrifique as lâminas (consulte as instruções de lubrificação).


as lâminas só devem ser retiradas e montadas novamente por um serviço de assistência autorizado, caso contrário pode

ocorrer um desgaste prematuro ou danos internos.










The numbers in the following text correspond with the figures on page 2-9.

Please read and make sure that you understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe place for future reference. It
contains specifications and information for operation, starting, stopping, maintenance, storage, and assembly specific to this

Please read and make sure that you understand the safety instructions before operation. Keep it in a safe place for future
reference. It explains possible hazards involved with the use of this product and which measures you should take to make using
this product safer.


This product was designed and manufactured to provide long life and on-the-job dependability. Please read and make sure that you
understand this manual. You will find it easy to use and full of helpful operating tips and safety messages. Specifications, descriptions and
illustrative material in this literature are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations
may include optional equipment and accessories, and may not include all standard equipment.



Machine data








Technical specifications

* Do not use fuel containing methyl alcohol, more than10% ethyl alcohol or 15% MTBE.

Package contents

After opening the carton, check for damage. Immediately notify your retailer or the address on the warranty card of any damaged or missing
parts. Use the contents list to check for missing parts:
1 Hedge trimmer
1 T-Wrench 17 x 19
1 Spanner S8-S10
1 Fuel-oil mixing bottle
1 Instruction manual
1 Safety instructions
1 Warranty card

Engine type

Air cooled, 2-stroke, single cylinder, petrol engine

Engine power

0.75 kW

Idle speed

2800 - 3200/min


26 cc


34.0 mm (1.34”)


28.0 mm (1.10”)

Exhaust system




Ignition system

Flywheel magneto, capacitor discharge ignition

Spark plug

BPMR7A(Gap 0.65 mm (0”.026)


Mixed fuel, petrol and oil, 25:1


89 Octane unleaded *


Universal 2-stroke engine oil

Fuel tank capacity

0.6 L (20.3 fl. oz)

Starter system

Automatic recoil starter


Centrifugal type

Gear case ratio



Double reciprocating blade, double edge

Blade length

600 mm (24”)

Teeth pitch

27 mm (1.06”)

Max. cutting diameter

10 mm (0.4”) (soft wood)

Dry weight

5.8 kg (12.3 lb.)

Vibration front handle

15.08 m/s


Vibration rear handle

17.75 m/s


Lpa (sound pressure)

95 dB (A)

Lwa (sound power)

107 dB (A)









Содержание FPHT-26CC

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