Ferm FPHT-26CC Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.

Wear sturdy work shoes with non slip soles;

Do not wear open toed shoes;

Do not operate the hedge trimmer barefooted.

Hot Humid Weather

Heavy protective clothing can increase operator fatigue which can lead to heat stroke. Schedule heavy work for early morning or late
afternoon hours when temperatures are cooler.

Extended operation and extreme conditions

Fig. 2

It is believed that a condition called Raynaud’s phenomenon, which affects the fingers of certain individuals, may be brought about by
exposure to vibrations and cold. Exposure to vibrations and cold may cause tingling and burning sensations, followed by a loss of color and
numbness in the fingers. The following precautions are strongly recommended, because the minimum exposure, which could trigger the
ailment, is unknown.

Keep your body warm, especially the head, neck, feet, ankles, hands, and wrists.

Maintain good blood circulation by performing vigorous arm exercises during frequent work breaks, and also by not smoking.

Limit the hours of operation. Try to fill each day with jobs where operating the hedge trimmer or other hand-held power equipment is not required.

If you experience discomfort, redness and swelling of the fingers followed by whitening and loss of feeling, consult your physician before
further subjecting yourself to cold and vibrations.

Warning! Do not operate this product indoors or in inadequately ventilated areas. The engine exhaust contains poisonous
emissions and can cause serious injury or death.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Fig. 3

It is believed that overusing the muscles and tendons of the fingers, hands, arms, and shoulders can cause soreness, swelling, numbness,
weakness, and extreme pain in those areas. Certain repetitive hand activities may put you at a high risk for developing a Repetitive Stress
Injury (RSI). An extreme RSI condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which can occur when your wrist swells and squeezes a vital nerve
that runs through the area. Some believe that prolonged exposure to vibrations may contribute to CTS. CTS can cause severe pain for
months or even years. To reduce the risk of RSI/CTS, do the following:

Avoid using your wrist in a bent, extended, or twisted position. Instead, try to maintain a straight wrist position. Also, when grasping, use
your whole hand, not just the thumb and index finger.

Take periodic breaks to minimize repetition and rest your hands.

Reduce the speed and force with which you do the repetitive movement.

Do exercise to strengthen the hand and arm muscles.

Immediately stop using all power equipment and consult a doctor if you feel tingling, numbness, or pain in the fingers, hands, wrists, or
arms. The sooner RSI/CTS is diagnosed, the more likely permanent nerve and muscle damage can be prevented.

Clear the work area

Fig. 4

Spectators and fellow workers must be warned, and children and animals prevented from coming closer than 15 m (50 ft.) while the hedge
trimmer is in use.

Keep a firm grip and a solid stance

Fig. 4

Hold the front and rear handles with both hands, with thumbs and fingers encircling the handles.

Maintain footing and balance at all times. Do not stand on slippery, uneven or unstable surfaces. Do not work in odd positions or on
ladders. Do not over reach.

Turnable handle

Fig. 5

To have good control during operating, the hedge trimmer is equipped with a turnable handle. The handle can be rotated to several angles:
45° and 90° counterclo 45° and 90° clockwise.

Pull the yellow blocking switch (A) backwards and rotate the handle to the desired angle.

Release this blocking switch (A) again and rotate the handle till it clicks into the correct position. The blocking switch (A) will automatically
return to its original position.

Check if the handle is now locked in the new position.

Avoid Hot Surfaces

Keep the exhaust area clear of flammable debris. Avoid contact during and immediately after operation.

Warning! Never perform blade maintenance procedures while the engine is running.









Procedimentos de manutenção "Faça você mesmo"

Códigos de procedimento de manutenção


= Inspeccionar

R =  Substituir
C =  Limpar

(1)  = 

Aplicar lubrificação a cada 15 - 25 horas de utilização.

(2)  = 

Inspeccione a lâmina, limpe-a e afie-a, conforme necessário. Lubrifique as lâminas periodicamente durante a utilização.

Todas as recomendações de substituição baseiam-se na localização de danos ou desgaste durante a inspecção.

Filtro do ar (Nível 1))

Fig. 8-10

Ferramentas necessárias:

Escova de limpeza, 25 mm ou 50 mm

Peças necessárias:

Kit de filtro de combustível e ar

Feche o obturador na posição “arranque a frio”. Isto impede a entrada de sujidade no tubo do carburador ao retirar o filtro do ar. Escova
a sujidade acumulada na área do dispositivo de limpeza do ar.

Retire a tampa do dispositivo de limpeza do ar. Limpe e verifique se a peça está danificada. Se a peça estiver embebida em combustível
e muito suja, deve substituí-la.

Se puder limpar e reutilizar a peça, certifique-se de que:

se encaixa na cavidade da tampa do dispositivo de limpeza do ar.

é instalada com o lado original virado para fora.


pode ser necessário ajustar o carburador depois de substituir ou limpar o filtro do ar.


Procedimento de

Nível de



diária ou


Durante cada



3 meses ou

90 horas

6 meses ou

270 horas


ou 600 horas

Filtro do ar





S *






I  L





Filtro do







S  *

Sistema de



I  *





Sistema de



I  L





Caixa de



I  (1)








I L (2)





Cordão do motor
de arranque



I  L *





Vela de ignição





I  L

S  *


porcas, parafusos
com porca



I S *













Содержание FPHT-26CC

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