ID RW40.30-USB
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1.3. Data Protection Concept
In order to avoid unauthorized access to transponder and reader, the readers of the OBID
family are equipped with the following protection mechanisms:
Reader Authentification:
Access locking for the reader interface.
Password protection of transponder:
Protection against unauthorized access to transponder
In order to change the password(s) of the transponder, the reader has to authenticate itself to the
transponder with a valid password. Afterwards, the password can be changed via the configuration
address of the transponder password. (see
4.4. Transponder configuration "C" (not ID CTx.A)
user data sheet of the according transponder).
All passwords are encoded and stored by the reader and can not be reread. They have to be
stored at a save place.
1.3.1. Reader Authentication
By the operations of the reader authentication it is possible to protect the access to the reader
interface by a password. If this option is used the access to the reader configuration as well as the
access to transponder data is possible only after a valid login (see:
3.3. Reader authentification
1.3.2. Password protection of Transponders (ID DTx.C)
In order to enable the communication between password-protected transponders and reader, the
readers of the OBID
ID RW-family offers the possibility of storing the transponder password within the
reader. The reader transmits this transponder password to the transponder before an access to
password protected data (standard password mode) or the reader will use the stored password to start
setting up the autopassword. (see:
3.6. Autopassword-Mode (ID DTx.C)
). By this procedure no
transmitting of the password by the reader interface before each protected data access is necessary.
If a transponder shall communicate with the reader without using the stored transponder password,
this can be performed by the command [0x1C] (see:
4.5.3. [0x1C] Password-Select (ID DTx.C