Using the Public Address System
Informer-IP Series C
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
Broadcasting Text to Speech (TTS)
To broadcast a Text to Speech message from the PC with Commander:
1. From the Commander main window, select Activate > PA (VOIP).
The PA (VOIP) dialog box appears.
2. Enter your text to speech message in the PA Text to Speech text box on the left side
of the window.
3. Alternately, select the preconfigured text-to-speech messages from the Select
Message list.
4. Click Activate TTS to play the message.
The Select Sites to Activate dialog box appears.
5. Select RTU and/or zone.
6. Click Add >.
The site populates the Destination RTU text box.
7. Click Send.
A Warning dialog box appears.
8. Click OK to broadcast TTS file.