Page 27
C Copyright 2005 Exel Orbital
All Rights Reserved
LOW PRESSURE: - Since the EPS-2000 has a
pressure transducer a low alarm limit may be
set. Should the pressure drop below this point
the alarm will show on the touch screen.
HIGH PRESSURE: - The highest allowable
pressure desired for the purge inlet of the power
supply. This value should never exceed 80 psi
(530 kpa).
LOW VOLTAGE: - The minimum allowable volt-
age. This setting is often used to indicate stub
out or insufficient gap between the electrode and
work. This value is usually set at 5 volts.
HIGH VOLTAGE: - The maximum allowable volt-
age. This settings is used to indicate excessive
gap between the electrode and work and other
anomalies such as insufficient or missing purge.
This value is usually set at 12 volts.
CURRENT: - The tolerance in terms of % varia-
tion from the average current programmed. This
should be set based on the requirements of the
welding operation. In this case +/- 2.5% is set.
SPEED: - The tolerance in terms of % variation
from the programmed speed. This should be
set based on the requirements of the welding
operation. In this case +/- 5% is set.
Alarm Settings