Micropilot S FMR533 4 to 20 mA HART
Engineering hints
Tank installations
• Avoid any installations (1), like limit
switches, temperature sensors, etc., inside
the signal beam refer to beam angle
("Beam angle",
• It is essential that HiHi alarm is below the
blocking distance (BD) and the safety
distance (SD).
• Symmetrical installations (2), e.g. vacuum
rings, heating coils, baffles, etc., can also
interfere with the measurement.
Optimization options
• Antenna size: the bigger the antenna, the
smaller the beam angle, the less
interference echoes.
• Mapping: the measurement can be
optimized by means of electronic
suppression of interference echoes.
• Antenna alignment:
refer to BA00209F/00/EN.
• Stilling well: a stilling well can always be
used to avoid interference. The FMR532
with planar antenna is recommended for
stilling wells with a diameter DN150 (6”)
and larger.
• Metallic screens (3) mounted at a slope
spread the radar signals and can,
therefore, reduce interference echoes.
Please contact Hauser for further