9.4 Active Protection Fault Details (cont.)
automatically shut the compressor off and keep it from
operation. If this fault occurs 3 times during one call for
operation the VSODC will lock out the compressor to
keep it from continuing to operate and flash an ”L” on
the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L16 – Microprocessor Fault – A912_O Inverter
If the inverter identifies a faulty microprocessor the
inverter will automatically shut the compressor off
and keep it from operation. The VSODC will lock out
the compressor to keep it from continuing to operate
and flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs fol
lowed by a 16.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – PFC & IGBT Temperature High – T918_O
Inverter Fault
If the inverter identifies a high insulated-gate bipolar
transistor (IGBT) temperature or power factor cor
rection (PFC)circuit temperature reading the inverter
will automatically shut the compressor off and keep
it from operation. If this fault occurs 3 times during
one call for operation the VSODC will lock out the
compressor to keep it from continuing to operate and
flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by
a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – PIM Temperature Fold back – T922_O
Inverter Fault
If the inverter detects a high Power Module tem
perature the inverter will automatically begin to slow
the compressor operation. If this fold back is not
successful in bringing the PIM temperature into the
acceptable range then the compressor will be kept
from operating. If this fault occurs 3 times during one
call for operation VSODC will lock out the compres
sor to keep it from continuing to operate and flash an
“L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L16 – Microprocessor Fault – A912_O Inverter
If the inverter identifies a faulty microprocessor the
inverter will automatically shut the compressor off
and keep it from operation. The VSODC will lock out
the compressor to keep it from continuing to operate
and flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs
followed by a 16.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L16 – PFC MCU/DSP Communication Fault –
A919_O Inverter Fault
If the inverter identifies a communication fault
between the MCU (motor control unit) or DSP (digital
signal processor), the inverter will automatically shut
the compressor off and keep it from operation. If this
fault occurs 3 times during one call for operation the
VSODC will lock out the compressor to keep it from
continuing to operate and flash an ”L” on the dual
7-segment LEDs followed by a 16.