9.4 Active Protection Fault Details (cont.)
L15 – PIM Over-temp – T908_O Inverter Fault
If the inverter detects an over temperature condition
in the Power Module circuit the inverter will auto
matically shut the compressor off and keep it from
operation. The VSODC will leave the compressor off
until the circuit temperature is reduced to acceptable
levels. At this time the VSOD will restart the com
pressor. If this fault occurs 3 times during one call for
operation the VSODC will lock out the compressor to
keep it from continuing to operate for one hour and
flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by
a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – PFC Over-temp – T909_O Inverter Fault
If the inverter detects an over temperature condition
in the Power Factor Correction circuit the inverter
will automatically shut the compressor off and keep
it from operation. The VSODC will leave the com
pressor off until the circuit temperature is reduced
to acceptable levels. At this time the VSODC will
restart the compressor. If this fault occurs 3 times
during one call for operation the VSODC will lock out
the compressor to keep it from continuing to operate
for one hour and flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment
LEDs followed by a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – Lost Rotor Position - A910_O Inverter
If the inverter loses the rotor position in the compres
sor the inverter will automatically shut the compres
sor off and keep it from operation. There is a 5 min
ute delay after this fault occurs before VSODC will
restart the compressor. If this fault occurs 3 times
during a single call for operation the VSODC will lock
out the compressor to keep it from continuing to op
erate and flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs
followed by a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – Current Imbalance – T911_O Inverter Fault
If the inverter identifies an imbalanced current
draw between the compressor 3 phase windings, the
inverter will automatically shut the compressor off
and keep it from operation. There is a 5 minute delay
after this fault occurs before VSODC will restart the
compressor. If this fault occurs 3 times during a
single call for operation the VSODC will lock out the
compressor to keep it from continuing to operate and
flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by
a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – DC Voltage Low – T914_O Inverter Fault
If the inverter detects an sustained low voltage
condition in the DC bus circuit the inverter will auto
matically shut the compressor off and keep it from
operation. The VSODC will immediately restart the
compressor. If this fault occurs 3 times during one
call for operation the VSODC will lock out the com
pressor to keep it from continuing to operate and
flash an ”L” on the dual 7-segment LEDs followed by
a 15.
This mode of active
protection must be manually reset
L15 – PIM Temperature High – T917_O Inverter
If the inverter identifies a high Power Module tem
perature thermistor reading the inverter will