9.3 Status and Diagnostic Codes
The error codes below will be displayed at the EcoNet™ Control Center under Service window / Current Faults
or in the Fault History and will be time and date stamped. VSODC (Variable Speed Outdoor Unit Control –
EcoNet™ control board) fault code is what will be displayed on the VSODC.
T961_O Compressor Dis
charge Temperature High
Folding back due to high dis
charge temperature
When Discharge temperature exceeds 235
Compressor will slow down to bring discharge
temperature down below 200oF.
Check system superheat and charge
Verify reversing valve is not leaking from
discharge to suction.
Troubleshooting Notes:
If blower will not run but the thermostat / control center, con
trol board and outdoor equipment is otherwise to be powered, ch
eck low voltage
fuse on air handler control board.
If reserving valve will not shift to heating mode, check fuse o
n VSODC in addition to solenoid and wiring to reversing valve.
If compressor RPM’s are not as expected, check LED on drive to
see if it is folding back as a result of an issue.