7.8 Filter & Ferrite Rings
For the (-)A20 model line there are 3 ferrite
rings and one filter applied on all models. The
ferrite rings are similar in purpose to the choke,
where as they create an inductive field around the
assembled wires, but they do not filter the signals.
The ferrite rings are applied only for the purpose
of keeping the high voltage lines from cross
contaminating one another and thereby creating
unexpected operation and electromagnetic
interference. The single filter has been applied
to eliminate high frequency “noise” from the
incoming power line thereby making it more
efficient for the inverter to convert the incoming
line voltage single phase AC power into 3 phase
DC power.
7.9 High Pressure
Control (HPC)
Sensing of the compressor discharge pressure is
accomplished by a conventional automatic reset
pressure control that is brazed into the compressor
discharge line. The HPC leads connect directly to
the inverter which communicates with the Variable
Speed Outdoor Control (VSODC). The contacts on
the high pressure control (HPC) open when the com
pressor discharge pressure of approximately 610
PSIG and automatically close when the pressure
drops below approximately 420 PSIG
7.10 Outdoor Ambient
Temperature Sensor
The outdoor ambient temperature is sensed by a
thermistor located directly underneath the control
box where it is shielded from direct sunlight. The
thermistor leads plug into the connector marked OAT
on the Variable Speed Outdoor Control (VSODC).
The outdoor ambient temperature is utilized by the
VSODC and EcoNet
Control Center for several
control functions and is displayed on the EcoNet
Control Center.